, 2016, 2016–
User-contributable online wiki is a user-contributable wiki taking as its starting point the definition of architecture laid out by Georges Bataille in his 'Dictionnaire Critique', first published in 1929.

The site was launched as a contributing project at the Galway, Ireland, visual arts festival 'TULCA 2016: The Headless City', in November 2016. A series of writing and coding workshops were held with students from the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and the National University of Ireland, Galway, to geneate content for the site throughout the three weeks of the festival.

The project sets out to explore the edges of architectural knowledge and non-knowledge from the central starting point of Bataille's text; articles have covered minor architectures, architectural appropriations and misuses, haunted structures, architecture and crime, ruins and ancient architectures, the architect's body, gravity and entropy. Built using MediaWiki, the same open-source wiki engine that powers Wikipedia, remains online and open to continuing contributions.
