Interview with Blaine Bershad, 2001
Interview with Blaine Bershad, 2001
Installation with 10 minute audio piece, FM broadcast, portable radios

This piece was made for the exhibition 'Schematically Inclined' at Gallery Bershad in Somerville, MA, an alternative gallery that shares its 3,500 square feet space with architecture firm Bershad Design Associates.

An audio interview was recorded with the principal architect of the building, Blaine Bershad, during a site visit to the gallery/office space. The interview was edited in the style of a radio documentary and played back as a low wattage FM broadcast from an antenna mounted on one of the main structural columns in the gallery; portable radios tuned to the audio piece were placed around the space. The piece sought to collapse the distance inherent to the notion of broadcast and create an intimate encounter with the building's architecture for visitors to the exhibition.
